WRONG WAY. Go back.

Have you ever noticed something new? ☺ I hope so. Well.. As you can see, I was posting about my life and not about my love life. HAHA. That’s new! Well. You might be thinking about what this title means, right? Okay. Let’s talk. Let’s have a chitchat. And now.. It’s not all about love life. It’s not all about friends, not all about my family but about my studies.


What would you do if you made a wrong decision? What would you do if you took the wrong path? Would you go back or would you keep moving forward?

GO BACK. Don’t waste your time on doing something you know you can’t do and you’re not happy doing it.

I’m an Accountancy student. I am having a difficulty in understanding it. I thought Accounting was just a plus, minus, multiply and divide. They are telling us that if you’re good at Math, you should pursue Accounting. NO. That’s a big NO. Accounting was not about computing. Maybe a bit, but it’s more of analyzing. LOGIC. My prof was a terror one. Maybe I can call her “LAZY” because she was always sending her student assistant to handle us. She’s not teaching. She’s just explaining. She’s just telling some boring stories and throwing some nonesense jokes which is not funny.

Well.. I failed on the Class Standing. Class Standing is composed of recitation, assignments, seatworks and quizes. Mamen! I failed. Yeah. A high school valedictorian failed. And when midterm exam came.. The results? Any guess? YEAH. You’re absolutely right! I FAILED. Let’s party but don’t tell Tita. HAHAHA. Only one of my classmate passed the exam. What a joke. My prof told the class that if we failed on the Class Standing and Midterm, we have no chance of passing on the Finals.

And now.. I’ve decided to drop the subject and next semester, I’ll be shifting to Civil Engineering. That’s what I want. I really wanna pursue Engineering but I thought I’ll be having some trouble with E-draw because I am not given the great hands with drawing skills so I’m afraid to enter Engineering. But now, my decision’s final. I’ll pursue Engineering and I’ll do my very best to finish it no matter how hard it is. I hope my mom and dad will understand my decision. Well, I know that they also want me to be an Engineer. So.. No regrets.

I have taken the wrong so I’ll go back. 🙂

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