Talking About His Ex & All The Ladies Involved.

“Past is past. You can look back but you can’t go back.” I know it’s a bit I-Know-Right for you, guys. Yeah. PAST. We shouldn’t make it a big deal but I’m sorry to say but it is a big deal especially when there is still something or somewhat connections between the two of them. Well, I know I can’t do anything about that because they are schoolmates and because of the fact that they are schoolmates, there are a huge possibility of them seeing each other on a corridor, hallways, canteen, rooms, library etc. Yeah. But one thing I’m trying to point out is that THEY ARE OVER. And I guess I’m over too. Overacting. Lol. Anyways, as I’ve said, they are over and so, there should have no more communications as if nothing happened. As if they weren’t ex’s. Well, I trust my boy friend. Yes, I do. Maybe all of you doubt it. But I do. I just don’t trust the girl. I don’t know her. All I know is her name and what my bf told me and of course, what my friends who know her told me. That’s the reason why I don’t trust the girl. I’ve heard stories about her flirting with someone. *Inhale exhale* It’s too dramatic. Well, I’m not a stupid, idiotic person who’ll get jealous just because I want to. Of course, I have reasons. Like example, Would you think I’ll be jealous if there’s nothing to be jealous about? What do you think of me? Doing something which can be a cause of a conflict? Of course not! Well, maybe. MAYBE, there’s something wrong with me too. I’m an over-super-ok-no-such-word-jealous girlfriend. I’m jealous with every girl he’ll encounter with. But! As I’ve said, if there’s nothing to be jealous about, why would I? It’s just that I hate the fact that he’s one of the most gentleman person I’ve met. He’s kind to everyone especially to girls. For me, as I’ve observed, he has more girl friends than guy friends. I don’t know. -_-” I think I know nothing. Ugh. What a GF. Anyways, I don’t wanna make this long anymore. I just wanna burst out all the emotions I have. So, chiao!

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